Dr. Bobby Anderson

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Bobby Anderson Profile Image

Position: Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management

Department: Admissions

Office: Francis Hall 119


About Dr. Bobby Anderson


Saint Francis University

  • Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems
  • Master of Business Administration

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

  • Doctor of Education Administration and Leadership

My SFU Story:

Coming out of the Pittsburgh region as a football recruit, Saint Francis was high on my list of colleges to explore.  One visit to campus and I knew it felt just like home...a place where I could discover myself, discover the world, and discover my place within it.  Little did I expect that it would truly become my #RedFlashFamily as it's where I met my wife (during our freshman year) and where both my younger sister and brother-in-law graduated from as well!  Saint Francis University is one of the most authentic and supportive educational environments you will ever find with a mission that is inspired by the life of St. Francis of Assisi, God's Troubadour.  At Saint Francis University, you truly are called to discover and #BecomeThatSomeone you were always meant to be.


My Favorite Things About SFU:

My favorite things about SFU are numerous!  It starts with the foundation of our incredible mission, our Franciscan Goals of Higher Education, and our people -- from our passionate faculty, our dedicated staff and administration, and our amazingly talented students!  For me it's all about the community of faith and real sense of family that exists on this tiny mountaintop and its shared mission to humbly and generously serve a world in need!