Liturgical Ministry
Serve One Another as Christ has Served Us
Every Catholic is called to be holy in a unique and special way; and while not every person shares the same skills and abilities, we are taught to serve one another as Christ has served us on the altar of the Cross. Liturgical worship is the main way Catholics worship God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Through its form, liturgy teaches and tells us who God is and who we ought to be.
Ways to Serve:
- Do you have the gift of music?
- Do you enjoy reading the word of God and proclaiming it to others?
- Do you have an eye for detail?
- Do you enjoy assisting & serving others?

Music Ministry
Music is the language of the soul. What better way is there to speak that language than to use your musical talents for the Lord? Music ministry is the opportunity to use your musical talent for the glory of God.

At the liturgy we are fed at the table of the Word and the table of the Eucharist. Our souls are nourished as the scriptures are proclaimed. Do you love to read the word of God and want to proclaim scripture to the people at liturgy? This is the way to make it happen!

The word sacristan finds its origin in the word sacred. A sacristan helps to handle and prepare the sacred vessels for the liturgy. Have an eye for detail and a gift for service behind the scenes? We encourage you to serve as a sacristan.

Altar Server
Have a love for service and want to be close to Jesus at the Altar? Altar servers have the unique opportunity to give God glory through assisting the priest at the liturgy. If you love to serve God and are looking for a direct way to do that, this is your chance!