Places to Worship

Places to Worship
Loretto is home to a rich spiritual history. Both on campus and nearby, there are various places for prayer and reflection. Amidst the busyness of life on campus, it is always good to have places to reflect and pray, to be silent with God. Listed below are the places to worship.
Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto
A group of alumni and Knights of Columbus recently renovated this tranquil space which is located on the North side of campus. Tucked away in the trees, there is a path where visitors can walk the Stations of the Cross, and visit the Pieta and outdoor worship areas.
This beautiful outdoor spiritual space includes a replica of Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto, the Pieta statue, a Nativity scene, in addition to the Stations of the Cross. It can be accessed from a paved path behind St. Francis Hall.

Mount Assisi Gardens at Schwab Estate
Across from the main entrance to the University are the lush gardens of Mt. Assisi. Visitors can walk the Stations of the Cross under arbors of wisteria, sit quietly on a bench and ponder the goodness of God in nature, or light a candle at one of the two shrines.The gardens of the magnificent former Charles M. Schwab Estate (now Mount Assisi Friary) are open for public viewing. The Italian Renaissance style garden was created by Charles Wellford Leavitt Jr., a pioneering landscape engineer who also designed Forbes Field.

Immaculate Conception Chapel
The Chapel is open daily, offering opportunities for solitude and reflection. Daily Mass, two Sunday Masses, weekly Reconciliation, as well as Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament are offered.
To learn more visit our
Weddings at the Chapel
Congratulations on your engagement! To learn more about reserving the Immaculate Conception Chapel for your wedding please click the link below.
Agape Chapel

This intimate space, located near the Immaculate Conception Chapel, is used by students for quiet reflection and prayer, as well as Bible Studies and small group faith sharing.