All Saint Francis University classes for March 17, 2025 are canceled and the University is closed due to no electricity.

Tapestries: Saint Francis University's Literary and Visual Arts Magazine
Tapestries is a university-sponsored literary and visual arts magazine, reflecting the broad creative talents of the university’s burgeoning writers and artists.
About the contest
Each year the School of STEAM hosts the Gunard Berry Carlson Writing Contest to recognize undergraduate students’ outstanding writing and visual artwork. Writing categories include fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and essay writing; visual arts categories include photography, painting (oil or water), sculpture, and sketch.
The Department of English and World Languages also hosts the annual Father Callan Poetry Contest, which aims to celebrate Father Thomas Callan's love of literature. This contest, funded by the generous donations of SFU alumnus and published poet Paul Martin, is open to all undergraduate and graduate students.
The winners and honorable mentions of each contest are published in our annual edition of Tapestries, Saint Francis University’s literary and visual arts magazine.
Submit your work
Any currently enrolled Saint Francis undergraduate may submit writing or artwork for the Gunard Berry Carlson Writing Contest. For more information regarding contest guidelines and submission procedures, please contact Dr. Brennan Thomas at or 814-471-1111.