Dr. Lane Loya

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Position: Professor of Biology

Department: Biology

Office: Science Center 114


About Dr. Lane Loya


  • B.S., University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
  • M.S., Southern Illinois University
  • Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University


Dr. Loya has been a faculty member in the Dr. Wayne and Elizabeth Takacs Biology Department since 2001. He is the coordinator of the Ecology & Environmental Biology concentration and the coordinator of the Immersion Semester Program at the Raystown Lake Field station. Courses taught by Dr. Loya include Ecology, Invertebrate Zoology, Freshwater Aquatic Biology, Environmental Problems, Environmental Studies, and both Introduction to Biology courses (Biol 110 and 111).


Dr. Loya and his students pursue research projects on a variety of ecological topics. Recent studies have focused on dragonfly and damselfly distribution at constructed wetlands, riparian arthropod diversity at streams impacted by pollution, and winter songbird foraging on overwintering insects. Dr. Loya and his students also provide macroinvertebrate identification services for local nonprofit watershed organizations and are caretakers of the Lake Saint Francis Watershed Trail.


Dr. Loya is a member of the Ecological Society of America, the Dragonfly Society of the Americas, and the Entomological Society of Pennsylvania. He and his family reside in Hollidaysburg, PA.


Courses Taught

  • BIOL111 - Biology I
  • BIOL 112 - Biology II
  • BIOL 103 - Environmental Studies
  • BIOL 203 - Ecology
  • BIOL 204 - Invertebrate Zoology
  • BIOL 408 - Environmental Problems
  • CORE 102 - First-year Colloquium