Saint Francis University Announces a Move from NCAA Division I Athletics to Division III Athletics.  Read the press release.

13th Annual Student Research Day Held

Marie Young, University Communications & Marketing | 11/09/2023


Scenes from the annual Saint Francis University Student Research Day

Students from a wide spectrum of majors showcased  current projects at the Thirteenth Annual Saint Francis University Student Research Day  on November 9, 2023. This annual event celebrates student research projects conducted on campus and allows the University community to become familiar with the unique and interesting work SFU students do. 

A total of 71 students collaborated with 34 faculty members  exploring topics such as Greener Solutions for Synthesizing Gold Nanoparticles, The Scholarly Approach to Therapeutic Gardening, AI in Medicine, and Neutral Network Analysis of Newton Fractals. The event is sponsored by The Office of Student Research. 

The mission of the Office of Student Research is to work with faculty and students in all academic areas to promote, encourage, coordinate and develop research, scholarly and creative activities by undergraduate students.  This mission is accomplished by meeting with faculty and students to assess interests in various research areas, by organizing opportunities to show the work done on our campus to the University community, the alumni of Saint Francis University and to the external community (including other colleges and universities in the area), and by identifying potential sources of internal and external funding opportunities to support student research. 

Abstracts of the Thirteenth Annual Saint Francis University Research Day