All Saint Francis University classes for March 17, 2025 are canceled and the University is closed due to no electricity.


News & feature stories from the Saint Francis University  English Department 

English Department Presents at 2023 Rachel Carson Conference

University Communications & Marketing | 11/01/2023
On October 21, 2023, four English faculty—Drs. Lisa Beiswenger, Timothy Bintrim, Brennan Thomas, and John Woznak—and five English majors—Avery Beunier-Lucas, Colette Costlow, MJ Dugery, Michael Hickey, and Erin Pyle—presented scholarly research on literary, environmental, and media studies at the 2023 Rachel Carson Conference, hosted by Chatham University.

Editor & Publisher names SFU alumna on "25 under 35" list

Shields School of Business | 02/24/2023
Editor & Publisher named Saint Francis University Alumna Anna Baughman to it's 2023 list of “25 Under 35” inspired, passionate, and innovative young news media professionals for her work as the editor at Morrisons Cove Herald, Inc. in Martinsburg, PA.