Saint Francis University DPT Class of 2025 Earn White Coats

Doctor of Physical Therapy White Coat Ceremony
On July 25, 2024 Saint Francis University's Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program housed in the School of Health Sciences and Education held a traditional White Coat Ceremony for third-year DPT students.
Students were joined by faculty, friends, and family in the Immaculate Conception Chapel on the campus in Loretto, Pa., to celebrate this momentous occasion as the class transitions from didactic work into their final clinical educational experiences.
About the DPT program at Saint Francis University
Guided by the Franciscan Goals of Higher Education, the Department of Physical Therapy educates competent, compassionate, ethical, and exemplary Doctors of Physical Therapy who embody the spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi. Through innovative, inclusive, and collaborative learning experiences, graduates become evidence-based clinicians who are lifelong learners prepared to serve in a complex healthcare environment, providing care that respects the dignity of all individuals.
Admission Pathways:
- Graduate: 3-year DPT Program
- Undergraduate: Direct Entry accelerated 3+3 and traditional 4+3 options