SFU one of 50 emerging research institutions to receive NSF funding
Marie Young, University Communications & Marketing | 10/10/2023
The U.S. National Science Foundation announced a $399,727 award to Saint Francis University as part of its first-ever Enabling Partnerships to Increase Innovation Capacity (EPIIC) grant program. The agency is investing $19.6 million to help nearly 50 emerging research institutions grow their capacity to participate in and drive regional innovation.
SFU names inaugural director for new Aviation Maintenance Technician School
Marie Young, University Communications & Marketing | 10/10/2023
Saint Francis University has appointed Brianna Pavkovich of Rockwood, PA, the inaugural director of the university's newest workforce development initiative, the Aviation Maintenance Technician certificate program. As the new director, her first duties include guiding the program through the FAA approval process with the goal of beginning classes in Fall 2024.
First Iraq War Veteran elected to the U.S. Congress visits SFU campus
University Communications & Marketing | 10/06/2023
SFU hosted the Honorable Patrick J. Murphy on a visit to campus. Murphy served as the first Iraq War Veteran elected to the U.S. Congress and he shared his expertise on national security as well as his experiences with leadership and service with students in the Cybersecurity major and ROTC cadets
Poppy Artwork Project Open to High School Student Submissions
University Communications & Marketing | 10/06/2023
High school students are invited to submit artwork created using poppies in honor of veterans to the William N. Campbell Poppy Project through the Center for Fine Arts at Saint Francis University.
Ed.D. program hosts second cohort residency
Division of Professional Studies | 10/05/2023
The Division of Professional Studies welcomed its second Executive Doctor of Education of Organizational Leadership & Innovation Cohort. The cohort, named Aggiornamento 2023, gathered in person on September 7th through September 10th 2023 for their first residency.
Ceremony set for new bell tower unveiling
The Troubadour | 10/02/2023
Ava Dzurenda, Features Editor for The Troubadour, published an insightful look into the significance of bells on campus and the journey that brought this particular bell to its new home. Ava is a junior Exercise Physiology and Science Writing double major with a minor in Communications. She is from White Oak, Pennsylvania.
Ed.D. Fall 2024 Cohort Applications Now Open
University Communications & Marketing | 10/02/2023
The next cohort begins in August 2024. Early consideration for applications will take place through May 1, 2024.
Leadership Development Series 2023
University Communications & Marketing | 09/28/2023
Altoona workshop series set for business leaders and managers Saint Francis University Shields School of Business & The Francis in the Marketplace Employee Training and Development Institute present the Fall 2023/Winter 2024 Leadership Development Series. The series consists of four high energy leadership workshops aimed at fueling employee engagement, unleashing workplace productivity, and enabling organizations to attract and retain the best employees. Sessions are open to all managers and leaders who wish to create a more productive and meaningful workplace. Fall 2023/Winter 2024
SFU announces new members to Board of Trustees
University Communications & Marketing | 09/26/2023
Saint Francis University has announced the election of four new members to its Board of Trustees for four-year terms, beginning this fall.
Saint Francis University moves up 60 spots on Forbes’ list of best colleges in America
University Communications & Marketing | 09/21/2023
Saint Francis University rose 60 spots on the 2023 list of “America’s Top 500 Colleges,” released by Forbes this month. SFU earned spot No. 440 on the list.