SGA Budget Training/ Allocation Process

Student Government Association

On Monday, February 17th at 5:00 and Tuesday, February 18th at 4:15, SGA will be hosting the Budget Allocation Training for the 2025-2026 academic year.  At least one member from your organization is required to be present for one of the training sessions (you are not required to have representation at both).  Your representative MUST be the club treasurer or president.


      This is a good opportunity for potential new treasurers for the next year to learn the ropes of managing a club budget, as well.  We will review the requirements for treasurers, how to do a few basic processes, such as check requests and deposits, and, of course, how to submit a budget allocation request.  NOTE: If your organization does not submit a budget allocation request, they will not receive any funding for the 2025-2026 academic year and will be reduced to the new club allocation total the following year that a budget is applied for, so it is vital that your club attends this training.


      If you have not already done so, please RSVP on the Engage page for one of the training sessions so that the Finance Committee can know how many people to expect each night. If for any reason your club is unable to provide a representative, please contact BEFORE February 24th to request an appointment to make up this training. Please understand that there must be a legitimate reason for having no club representation, and that failure to have representation without excusal will result in a budget deduction


Click HERE to RSVP for Monday, February 17th at 5:00pm Training

Click HERE to RSVP for Tuesday, February 18th at 4:15pm Training


Of Note: The Budget Allocation Request will be due on March 14th at 12:00pm.  You must use Engage to submit your request ~ and late requests will not be accepted/ processed.