Welcome The Saint Francis University Payroll Office is responsible for processing timely and accurate payments to faculty, staff, and student employees by ensuring compliance with all government agencies and laws. The Payroll Office also manages payroll deductions and related financials.
Faculty, Staff, Operational, and Administrative Employees
Employee payroll forms and instructions can be found on the payroll departmental page (login required). The forms available include required tax forms, position and dependent information, available time off and step by step instructions.
Administrative and Faculty Employees
Administrative and faculty employees are paid on a semi-monthly schedule. Unless otherwise noted, contracts are paid on the first available pay date after being received from Human Resources.
Operational and Staff Employees
Employees under this classification are responsible for completing an online time sheet. Dining Services and Physical Plant employees do not complete an online time sheet. Hours worked by these employees are handled inter-departmentally. All time sheets must be approved by their supervisor and are due on a bi-weekly basis, each Monday by noon.
Please note that due to campus holidays, receiving dates for time sheets, contracts and deductions are subject to change. Pay-dates are subject to weekends and federal holidays.
Student Employees
Please review student employment positions. The positions are located on my.francis.edu. located under Current Students, “Student Resources” – Check Campus Job Listing. Students will be able to view all positions or to search by department. Some jobs may not be advertised. If a position cannot be located through this site, feel free to contact any department on campus to inquire about a possible position. A maximum of twenty hours (20) per week may be worked during periods of enrollment. The current wage rate is $7.25/hour. Students are paid on a monthly basis for the number of hours worked.
International Students
International students must report to the International Student Programs Department (Sullivan Hall 213) for assistance with the completion of all student employment paperwork. Once all forms are completed and supporting documentation approved, the International Student Programs Department will submit the paperwork to the Payroll Office. The student and the student’s supervisor will be notified when the student may begin working. International students should not take any forms to the Payroll Office.
U.S. Citizens
A student should not complete employment paperwork until he or she has been offered, and accepted, a Federal Work Study or Campus employment position.
Once a student has accepted a position, he or she is required to complete four (4) employment forms BEFORE employment begins: I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification), W-4 (Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate), Earned Income Tax Residency Certification, and Direct Deposit Form.
These forms are available on my.franicis.edu located under Current Students - Student Employment Forms. Follow the instructions for each form. Upon completion, the student must personally return the I-9 form, along with two forms of acceptable identification, to the Payroll Department.
The most common acceptable forms of identification to include with the I-9 form are: social security card, birth certificate, passport, and driver’s license. The student may use his or her Saint Francis University’s identification card in place of their driver’s license. For a complete list of acceptable identification, refer to page nine (9) “List of Acceptable Documents,” found on the I-9 link on My.Francis.
A student cannot begin working until all required documents are completed, submitted, and approved. At that time, the student’s on line time sheet will be available.
Payroll Information
During the academic year, all student employees are limited to working 20 hours per week for all positions combined. During the summer term, all student employees may work up to 40 hours for all positions combined. At no time are students allowed to work overtime.
If a student is a U.S. resident for tax purposes as set by law, during the summer term the student employee will have Social Security (FICA) and Medicare tax deducted. Any student working more than 5 consecutive hours in one day MUST take ½ hour unpaid lunch. This lunch break must be recorded and NOT included in the student’s total daily hours worked for that day.
Employee payroll forms and instructions can be found on the payroll departmental page (login required). The forms available include required tax forms, position and dependent information, available time off and step by step instructions.
Administrative and Faculty Employees
Administrative and faculty employees are paid on a semi-monthly schedule. Unless otherwise noted, contracts are paid on the first available pay date after being received from Human Resources.
Operational and Staff Employees
Employees under this classification are responsible for completing an online time sheet. Dining Services and Physical Plant employees do not complete an online time sheet. Hours worked by these employees are handled inter-departmentally. All time sheets must be approved by their supervisor and are due on a bi-weekly basis, each Monday by noon.
Please note that due to campus holidays, receiving dates for time sheets, contracts and deductions are subject to change. Pay-dates are subject to weekends and federal holidays.
Please review student employment positions. The positions are located on my.francis.edu. located under Current Students, “Student Resources” – Check Campus Job Listing. Students will be able to view all positions or to search by department. Some jobs may not be advertised. If a position cannot be located through this site, feel free to contact any department on campus to inquire about a possible position. A maximum of twenty hours (20) per week may be worked during periods of enrollment. The current wage rate is $7.25/hour. Students are paid on a monthly basis for the number of hours worked.
International Students
International students must report to the International Student Programs Department (Sullivan Hall 213) for assistance with the completion of all student employment paperwork. Once all forms are completed and supporting documentation approved, the International Student Programs Department will submit the paperwork to the Payroll Office. The student and the student’s supervisor will be notified when the student may begin working. International students should not take any forms to the Payroll Office.
U.S. Citizens
A student should not complete employment paperwork until he or she has been offered, and accepted, a Federal Work Study or Campus employment position.
Once a student has accepted a position, he or she is required to complete four (4) employment forms BEFORE employment begins: I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification), W-4 (Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate), Earned Income Tax Residency Certification, and Direct Deposit Form.
These forms are available on my.franicis.edu located under Current Students - Student Employment Forms. Follow the instructions for each form. Upon completion, the student must personally return the I-9 form, along with two forms of acceptable identification, to the Payroll Department.
The most common acceptable forms of identification to include with the I-9 form are: social security card, birth certificate, passport, and driver’s license. The student may use his or her Saint Francis University’s identification card in place of their driver’s license. For a complete list of acceptable identification, refer to page nine (9) “List of Acceptable Documents,” found on the I-9 link on My.Francis.
A student cannot begin working until all required documents are completed, submitted, and approved. At that time, the student’s on line time sheet will be available.
Payroll Information
During the academic year, all student employees are limited to working 20 hours per week for all positions combined. During the summer term, all student employees may work up to 40 hours for all positions combined. At no time are students allowed to work overtime.
If a student is a U.S. resident for tax purposes as set by law, during the summer term the student employee will have Social Security (FICA) and Medicare tax deducted. Any student working more than 5 consecutive hours in one day MUST take ½ hour unpaid lunch. This lunch break must be recorded and NOT included in the student’s total daily hours worked for that day.