
SFU among 2023 Best "4-Star" Colleges in America

University Communications & Marketing | 07/21/2023
Saint Francis University earned a 4-star rating for quality, affordability and outcomes in the "2023 Best Colleges in America" survey released by Money Magazine.

2023 Orientation Directors Named

University Communications & Marketing | 05/23/2023
SFU proudly announces the eight students selected to serve as 2023 Orientation Directors. These talented students will lead a team of 40 student volunteer Orientation Counselors to provide a first-class onboarding experience when the Class of 2027 joins the Flash Fam in August.

Scenes from Family Weekend 2022

University Communications & Marketing | 10/04/2022
Thank you to all of the families who attended our annual Family Weekend from September 23-25, coordinated by the SFU Student Activities Organization(SAO). We hope you enjoy these photos taken by Stover Photography.

Top 5 Reasons to Be a Communications Major

Did you know that Communication majors can work in any industry, anywhere in the world? From major cities to small towns, everyone needs employees with communications skills, which means more jobs for Comm majors!

Registration Open for 2021 Summer classes

Registration is now open for summer classes at Saint Francis University. A full slate of courses may be found at . A majority of the courses will be held online, however on campus courses are also available. They are offered through Francis Worldwide and are open to returning adult students, traditional SFU students, and non-SFU college students interested in taking courses while home for the summer. The summer session offers flexible offerings across a wide variety of disciplines such as business, science, education, math and english courses, as well as

SFU Associate Dean Receives Statewide Distinguished Colleague Award

Saint Francis University prides itself in sharing the accomplishments and recognition of its distinguished faculty. Dr. Rita Trofino, Associate Dean, School of Health Sciences & Education, Nursing Department Chair and Professor, was recently awarded the Distinguished Colleague Award from the Pennsylvania Higher Education Nursing Schools Association, Inc . (PHENSA). PHENSA. is a statewide organization, which helps baccalaureate and higher degree nursing education programs in Pennsylvania plan and implement programs for growth, development and advancement. PHENSA provides a forum and meeting

SFU Announces STEAM Summer Academies 2021

Registration is now open to the 2021 "STEAM Summer Academies" at Saint Francis University. The STEAM Summer Academies are one-week immersive programs in chemistry, engineering, pre-med, and psychology for high school students who are currently in grades 10 and 11 and are at least 15 years old. Academies will be held the week of June 20 - 25, 2021. Program Fee is $500 and includes all instruction materials and room and board on campus. Limited Financial Aid is available. This year the following academies are being offered: Chemistry Exploration Academy Environmental Engineering Design Academy

SFU to Host K-12 PA Statistics Poster Competition

Saint Francis University is happy to announce that SFU Science Outreach Center will again host the Pennsylvania Statistics Poster Competition for 2021. The competitions, held virtually, will offer cash prizes and certificates for first, second, third, and fourth place in each category. Certificates are awarded for honorable mentions in each category. The winning posters from the Pennsylvania Competition are submitted to the National Statistics Poster Competition. Posters MUST be registered/submitted electronically by midnight on Friday, March 12, 2021. General Information: A statistics poster

Meet the 2021 Student Orientation Directors

Our 2021 Team of Orientation Directors Mattie Bossler , Co-Senior Director / Exercise Physiology & Physical Therapy/ Lilly, PA Alyssa Martyak , Co-Senior Director / Physician Assistant / Ashville, PA Julia Bradford, Associate Director / Exercise Physiology & Physical Therapy/ Edinboro, PA David Sullivan, Associate Director/ Nursing/ Pittsburgh, PA Ashley Deetscreek , Assistant Director / Physical Therapy/ Mineral Point, PA Laura Hoag , Assistant Director / Physician Assistant/ State College, PA Madison Jordan, Assistant Director/ Physical Therapy/ Leesburg, VA Caitlin Major, Assistant Director