Saint Francis University Announces a Move from NCAA Division I Athletics to Division III Athletics.  Read the press release.


Shamus 14th Annual Charity Bike Ride

Erin McCloskey, University Communications & Marketing | 09/06/2024
On September 14, 2024, Brother Shamus will hit the trails of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, embarking on a ride that spans two weekends and covers over 98 miles. Each year, 100% of the charity ride proceeds are donated to the Dorothy Day Outreach Center with over 800,000 being raised since the inception of the bike ride.

Saint Francis University Dedicates New Aviation Education Center

Marie Young, University Communications & Marketing | 08/30/2024
Saint Francis University proudly celebrated the Blessing and Dedication of the Saint Francis University Aviation Education Center alongside the grand opening of its FAA-certified Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) program on August 29, 2024.

Saint Francis University Secures $130K for Visual Arts Gallery and Technology Upgrades

Marie Young, University Communications & Marketing | 05/20/2024
Saint Francis University is thrilled to announce the receipt of two generous grants totaling $130,000 to enhance its newly opened Connors Family Fine Arts Center. These funds, provided by the George I. Alden Trust and the A. J. and Sigismunda Palumbo Charitable Trust, will transform the space into a cutting-edge hub for digital and traditional art exploration.

OTs celebrate opening of new facility

SFU Occupational Therapy students and faculty hosted an open house on January 26, 2024 to share their new space, St. Margaret Hall, with the campus community. The department is planning an official open house in April (OT Month) for the public (and alumni!).

Saint Margaret Hall Blessing and Dedication

University Marketing & Communications | 10/24/2023
On Friday, October 20, 2023, Saint Francis University celebrated the Blessing and Dedication of Saint Margaret Hall. The facility, bearing the name of St. Margaret of Cortona, will primarily serve Occupational Therapy and Physician Assistant Science majors and is scheduled to open in January 2024.

2023 President's Convocation Awards

University Communications & Marketing | 05/12/2023
The President's Awards Convocation was held on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, in the Maurice Stokes Athletics Center.