All Saint Francis University classes for March 17, 2025 are canceled due to no electricity.


Class of 2027 Flash Facts

University Communications & Marketing | 08/22/2023
This week the Class of 2027 officially started their undergraduate college journey at Saint Francis University. Learn more about the incoming class.

Go Baby Go! Alternative Electric Mobility for Kids at SFU

General Engineering & PT Departments | 07/27/2023
Physical Therapy and General Engineering students teamed up to take on the challenge of providing a custom-modified Power Wheels car for a local child struggling with physical disabilities impeding her from getting around on her own.

SFU among 2023 Best "4-Star" Colleges in America

University Communications & Marketing | 07/21/2023
Saint Francis University earned a 4-star rating for quality, affordability and outcomes in the "2023 Best Colleges in America" survey released by Money Magazine.

Conservation genomics presentations free to public

Biology Department | 06/16/2023
The Dr. Wayne and Elizabeth Takacs Biology Department is hosting ConGen 2023, an international conservation genomics training workshop next week. Free evening presentations are open to the public on topics related to conservation biology and genetics/genomics.

Saint Francis joins Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project with NASA

University Communications & Marketing | 06/14/2023
Officially joining the Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project (NEPB) with NASA, the Saint Francis team will gather and contribute valuable scientific and engineering data by casting weather balloons far into Earth's atmosphere during solar eclipses in 2023 and 2024.

Biology professor interviewed on NPR about octopus RNA research

University Communications & Marketing | 06/14/2023
SFU biology professor, Dr. Matthew Birk, is one of the scientists featured in an NPR interview that delves into an article in the journal Cell, where researchers report that octopuses can edit genetic information.