Introducing our new Director of Ambialet

Saint Francis University is pleased to announce the appointment of Eric Sepich as the Director of Ambialet, the University’s flagship study abroad program, held in the village of Ambialet in southwestern France. Sepich is no stranger to Saint Francis University or Ambialet; he is an alumnus and a member of one of the earliest student groups to travel to the University’s facility in Ambialet where he fell in love with the quaint village. It is no wonder why Sepich wanted to return to Ambialet. The Semester in France allows students to experience many sites in the region including museums

SFU Greek Life Inducts 13 into Honor Societies 2019

On Sunday, April 7, Saint Francis University welcomed 13 students into our Greek Life Honor Societies. These societies are nationally recognized as Gamma Sigma Alpha and the Order of Omega, and are exclusive to only those who meet a specified criteria and are affiliated with a Greek-lettered organization. Gamma Sigma Alpha was founded at the University of Southern California by Beth K. Saul of Alpha Epsilon Phi and the Assistant Director of Greek Life at the University at that time. On November 9, 1989 Gamma Sigma Alpha was established on their campus as a local Greek academic honor society

Diving In With Mike Amenti

Mike Amenti originally enrolled at Saint Francis University in 2007 as a Communications major, but like many first year students, he was very uncertain with what he wanted to do in life at that point. He took a wide variety of business, health and even scuba courses.

Candace Rupert: A Disney Hero

Candace Rupert ‘18 is truly living the motto of Saint Francis University, “Become That Someone.” Candace remembers falling in love with the ocean when she was in second grade and presented a research project on stingrays. From that moment on she knew she wanted a career in helping save the ocean and all of its inhabitants.

Vanessa Valovage Profile

Vanessa remembers the day well. She was in 6th grade and was helping her mom set up their church for a retreat event. Young adults from NET Ministries were visiting her parish for the day to encourage youth how to embrace their faith and cultivate a personal relationship with Christ. Vanessa showed some interest and was invited to join the other teenagers to participate in the day-long retreat. The joy and energy from that day stayed with Vanessa through middle school and high school. When it came time to choose a college, Vanessa found Saint Francis University and was excited to get involved

Saint Francis University Partners with GoBabyGo

Young children develop as they explore their environment. Most are able to independently crawl, roll, scoot, creep, or walk around to explore and learn. When they are unable to do this independently they are at a disadvantage. They are limited to what toys are within reach and are often times stationary and only mobile by means of a caregiver leading the exploration. The Physical Therapy Department at Saint Francis University has a solution. In collaboration with the national organization, GoBabyGo , the university will begin producing ride along, modified battery powered cars for children

Alex Kiepert: Building a Future in Finance

Alex Kiepert is a freshman double majoring in Accounting and Finance at the Shields School of Business . He is a member of the Red Flash golf team and is involved in Enactus , uWork , Student Government Association , The Honors Program , Class Council, Student Philanthropy Ambassadors, Apple Leadership Team, National Society of Leadership and Success, and the Flash Leadership Institute. Why did you choose SFU? Saint Francis University has been a school that was always in the back of my head throughout my college search. What ultimately made me pick Saint Francis was that it is twenty-five

SFU named 2019 Military Friendly School

For the ninth year, Saint Francis University has been named a “Military Friendly School” by VIQTORY. This year, the university earned the organization’s Gold Award , which suggests that its programs scored within 10 percent of the 10 th ranked institution within a given category. This designation reflects the high standards upheld by the university in serving military families. The university's service-focused mission couples well with their duties as active duty or reservist men and women. SFU also welcomes veterans who have honorably served and seek to successfully transition into the

Cade Young: Flying Solo

Cade Young, a freshman General Engineering major with an Aviation concentration , completed his first solo flight in a Diamond DA40 NG, flying out of the John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport on December 9th. Cade is only one semester into the Aviation program and is excited with how quickly he progressed in the program. “When I went down to the airport that morning I had no clue I was going to be flying solo. I was told that I was getting close and could possibly solo before Christmas break, but I didn’t see it coming so soon. When the flight instructor, Larry Servinsky , stepped out

Chemistry Students Help with Local Lead Issue

Chemistry professor, Dr. Samantha Radford , and two of her classes, Environmental Chemistry and Human Toxicology are working with the community to bring more awareness to the under-reported issue of lead exposure in Central Pennsylvania. Several cities in Pennsylvania, including Altoona, have a higher children’s lead exposure rate than that of Flint Michigan, even during their recent lead crisis. The city of Altoona ranks second worst in the state with an alarming 20% of children having elevated lead blood levels. Dr. Radford worked with the Saint Francis University Center for Service and