Students help plant an acid mine drainage passive treatment wetland

The American Society of Mining and Reclamation is a professional Society consisting of representatives from mining companies, corporate offices, consulting services, employees of academic institutions, employees of state and federal regulatory agencies, as well as students. This summer, Saint Francis University formed a ASMR Student Chapter. The objective of the student chapter is to provide undergraduate students in the environmental engineering field with the opportunity to better acquaint themselves with the mining and reclamation field of work including research, occupations, and treatment

Allison Rohrs receives Energy Leadership Award

Allison Rohrs, director for the Institute for Energy at Saint Francis University, recently received the Women in Energy Leadership Award by the Pittsburgh Business Times . Rohrs was one of 26 women in the region to receive the 2016 award. The honorees were selected by a panel of industry experts and honored at an event and in a special edition of the Pittsburgh Business Times in October. Rohrs has served as the director for the Institute for Energy at Saint Francis for nearly four years. In her role, she works with local small businesses and farmers to help assess their properties for

Amaris Rodriguez Profile

Recent environmental engineering graduate Amaris Rodriguez (’16) landed a job in the nation's largest network of medical facilities, the VA. Amaris was kind enough to make some time amidst the fast pace of a new job to tell as a little more about her path and what she’s up to now. What attracted you to the Environmental Engineering major? I was always passionate about taking care of the environment and had an interest in environmental issues. I saw myself in a career that would protect the environment, but I was not sure exactly what I wanted to do. I decided that I would combine this passion

Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Field Trips

PNGE program offers at least two field trips every year: Well Site Field Trip & Geological Field Trip. More images could be found in the links below. 2016 Fall Well Site Field Trip to Range Resource Drilling and Fracturing at Southwest, PA 2016 Fall Field Trip to Drake Well Museum at Titusville, PA 2016 Spring Geological Field Trip 2015 Fall Well Site Field Trip to North Energy Drilling Site at Morgantown, WV 2015 Spring Geological Field Trip 2014 Well Site Field Trip to Consol Energy Fracturing Site

Biology Alumnus Nikki Nastasi becomes bone marrow donor

Nikki Nastasi, a 2011 Saint Francis University Biology graduate, who is a stem cell lab specialist at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC for the bone marrow transplant team, recently became a bone marrow donor herself. Prior to her studying biology at Saint Francis, Nikki had done a mouth swab in 2006 through Be The Match , operated by the national marrow donor program. It wasn’t until after she began her career at Children’s hospital that she was contacted as a donor match. Her bone marrow transplant goes to a 3 year old boy with acute myeloid leukemia, a rare blood and bone marrow

Students intern at National Conventions

Two students, two different majors, two different passions, two different goals, and the same experience of a lifetime: interning at the National Conventions. Meet Amanda Schiavo and Harry Olafsen and see how they experienced the National Conventions, gaining knowledge that will shape their futures. History & Political Science at SFU Interning at the Republican National Convention Amanda Schiavo, a senior majoring in communications and minoring in pre-law , spent two weeks in Cleveland, Ohio completing an internship perfect for her studies: an intern for Fox News at the Republican National

Student Success - Cody Turnbaugh

How a trip to Gettysburg turned into a lifelong passion Meet Cody Turnbaugh, a history major at Saint Francis University. How do you single out history’s heroes? How do you ensure that one soldier’s story doesn’t fade into the mist of memory but receives the recognition it deserves? Cody Turnbaugh was determined to find out. The Sophomore History/Public Administration Major at Saint Francis University, developed an interest in History after reading a book on the Battle of Gettysburg. Several trips to the Civil War battlefield cemented his passion for the subject. Cody became particularly

Engineering department hosts first Meet and Greet with employers

Saint Francis University hosted its first “SFU Engineering Meet & Greet” on September 27. The event was organized by the Engineering department and the Office of Career Services to give students a chance to talk one-on-one with potential employers. Conversations ranged from the types of engineering projects that each company specializes in, to the specific skills students need to be successful in their job search. Students also made contacts for potential internships in their area of interest. In the photos: On the left: Craig Neal of CONSOL Energy chats with Ryan Fife a sophomore

Saint Francis welcomes Fulbright Scholar Dr. Ruben Mamani

The Saint Francis University School of Science, Environmental Engineering Program , and Center for Watershed Research & Service is pleased to welcome Fulbright Scholar Dr. Ruben Mamani to campus. Dr. Mamani hails from Bolivia and has expertise in air quality and international development projects. He has contributed to research projects investigating air pollution and climate change in the high Andes of Bolivia. He studied the transport of aerosols from Amazonian biomass burning reaching the glaciers of the Andes mountains as an associate researcher at the Atmospheric Physics Laboratory of

Art and Anatomy: Danielle MacMurtrie's Story

Q&A with Danielle What sparked your interest in Physical Therapy? How old were you? I was first exposed to physical therapy when I was 13. I sustained a back injury caused by years of gymnastics. I wore a back brace for 2 years and received frequent physical therapy. It was the first career in which I could picture myself working. I was never interested in being a doctor or a nurse, but after growing up doing gymnastics, being in the PT gym just felt like home. What have you been up to since graduation? HealthSouth Rehab Hospital has been an excellent environment for me to begin my career as a