Schlumberger donates $58 million oil and gas industry software to SFU

Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering faculty members, Dr. Wang Guochang (front) and Dr. Alireza Shahkarami, demonstrate the new industry software package that is being incorporated into the curriculum. Students in the new Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering program at Saint Francis University are using a well-known industry software package thanks to a generous donation from Schlumberger , the world’s leading supplier of technology solutions in the oil and gas industry. The donation includes a three-year use and maintenance contract totaling more than $58 million in value for 15 licenses of

Alumni Profile Leah Kessler

Ms. Leah Kessler Marketing and International Business Major, Class of 2014 Kessler's Story Leah Kessler loves business, but her passion is mission work. A 2014 alumna of Saint Francis University, Leah graduated a semester early with a degree in marketing and international business. During her time at Saint Francis she was heavily involved in clubs and activities related to both of her passions. She participated in Enactus and the Society of Economic Analysis, and was also active in the HUGS United Spring Break mission trips, as well as the Jamaica International Microlending Initiative (JIMI)

Scenes from an Inaugural Celebration 2014

Welcoming our 32nd President The Inauguration of Rev. Malachi Van Tassell, T.O.R., Ph.D., as the 32nd President of Saint Francis University was held Saturday, October 4, 2014. View Photo Galleries Photos from the ceremony, pre-and post activities, mass, brunch and Founders Day Dinner are available. View all 5 photo galleries: View Video of the Ceremony Fr. Malachi's Inaugural Address: Inauguration Ceremony in its entirety: https:/

Andrew Collier Profile

Fulfilling dreams in politics Meet Andrew Collier, a 2011 graduate of the history and political science programs at Saint Francis University. Andrew studied both history and political science while at Saint Francis and was quite the go-getter. Andrew was the Executive Vice President of the Student Government Association, a Psi Upsilon Fraternity brother, and Best Buddies Midnight Madness Director of Recruitment and Relations. In addition, Andrew completed two internships in Washington, DC, through the Washington Internship Institute. He interned for the National Federation of Federal Employees

Presidential Inauguration

The Inauguration of Rev. Malachi Van Tassell, T.O.R., Ph.D., as the 32nd President of Saint Francis University was held Saturday, October 4, 2014. Fr. Malachi selected the theme "...Onwards toward the highest principles" to celebrate, not only this day, but the entire inaugural year. Press Releases: President Elect Named Scenes from Inauguration Day

Jen Cyktor Profile

“My mom got sick when I was a sophomore in high school. The PA that took care of her was amazing and really inspired me. So things sort of changed gears after that, and I’m really glad that they did. I wouldn’t trade being a PA for anything. The relationships that I get to form with my patients is everything that I ever wanted out of a career.”

Karly Link Alumni Profile

From the time she was a little girl growing up in Portage, Pa., Karly Link '14 was always interested in medicine. She expected to grow up to be a doctor or a pharmacist, but after talking with a physician assistant when she was 16 she decided to take a different path. “Instantly I knew that this job would be perfect for me,” Karly said. “I would get to treat patients, write prescriptions, perform procedures, etc., and the five-year program made it very appealing.” Once Karly fell in love with the idea of becoming a PA, she just needed to find a school with a reputable program. “SFU has such a

President-Elect Named 2013

On November 11, 2013, the Saint Francis University Board of Trustees elected Rev. Malachi Van Tassell, T.O.R. to assume the office of president of Saint Francis University. His term will begin after Rev. Gabriel Zeis, T.O.R. concludes his tenure at the end of the academic year 2013-2014. Father Malachi is the son of Fred and Barbara Van Tassell and a native of Poughkeepsie, NY. He is the oldest of five children and has nine nieces and nephews. He professed vows as a Franciscan in 1999 and was ordained to the priesthood in 2004 at the Immaculate Conception Chapel at Saint Francis University

Alumni Profile Beth Wheeler

Ms. Beth Wheeler Middle Childhood Education, Class of 2013 Bellwood, PA Entering Saint Francis University as a middle childhood education major, Beth Wheeler never even dreamed about studying abroad. The thought of being alone in an unfamiliar place terrified her. But one little bite from the travel bug, and her life changed forever. During her time as a student at Saint Francis, Beth participated in both the Springtime in Italy and Semester in France programs. Following her graduation in May 2013, she moved to Auch, France where she has been teaching English as a second language to grade

Marie Schoenenberger Profile

Environmental Healer Following Mom's footsteps in her own way We asked Marie Schoenenberger (’13) why she went into environmental engineering. Her answer was quite thought-provoking. Here’s what she had to say: "My mother is a physical therapist. That path is something that I never ever thought about pursuing when I entered Saint Francis University’s Environmental Engineering program , but as it turns out, I followed it in my own way. I initially was caught up in the “Go green!” hype that brought with it renewable energy, recycling, and a bunch of vegetarians (myself included). I looked for a