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Company Name: *
Contact First Name: *
Contact Last Name: *
Phone: *
Website: *



If known, please respond to the questions below:


Interview Day Participation
Thursday, September 22, 2022 - Accounting and Finance Interview Day Virtual Event: 

The Interview Day will be held in a virtual format given the uncertainty current events.

Hiring Needs

We have the following hiring needs (select all that apply):
Other Hiring Needs: 
We will Interview for:
Full Time Position Titles:
Internship Position Titles:
Internship Semesters
If you are recruiting for internships, please specify preferred semesters (select all that apply):
Other Internships Semesters:
Online Application Required

Do you require an online application from Interview Day candidates?
If yes, please provide the complete online application URL candidates should use (if available):
Recruiting Majors

We are recruiting the following majors (select all that apply): 
Other majors recruiting:

What is the minimum grade point average you will consider? 
candidate hourly requirement

We require candidates have 150 hours upon graduation:
Degree level considerations

We will consider the following degree levels for interviews (select all that apply): 
Other degree levels considered: 
The Interview Day event runs from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with 30 minute interviews, 15 minutes between interviews, and a 1 hour lunch break scheduled from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. So that we can create an interview schedule that includes your preferences, please complete the following:
First Interview Time
What time will your first interview begin? *
Last Interview Time
What time will your last interview begin? *
How many interview schedules do you anticipate having?

Please note any additional recruitment or scheduling preferences:
Please provide the name and email address of the person to whom a zip file containing Resume(s) should be sent in September:
Please list name(s) of interviewer(s) who will participate in the event (if available):


Thank you for your participation in the Accounting and Finance Consortium.  If you have any questions, please contact Beth McGregor, bmcgregor@francis.edu, 814-472-3019 or George Carter, gcarter@setonhill.edu, 724-552-4390.



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